Leonard Fagot Family Article

Here is the true story that inspired the movie (read here)


  1. Mike Holland was my cousin. I, of course was several years younger than he. However, I very well remember when all of this happened. My mother went to the trial with her brother, Paul and sister in law, Ruth. This was such a tramatic experience for our entire family. I hoped I could one day find Carol and talk with her. There are still so many unanswered questions. Since Mike's death, his father committed suicide, one of his sister's has passed away.God, how sad......

  2. I wrote a comment on Friday, It has yet to be posted. Was there a problem with what I wrote? Just currious. I just knew I would Get a reply of some sort.

  3. I too read this book years ago and was interested in the story. I was sorry to read that both Carol and Shirley have passed away. Were they sick and when did Shirley pass on? Also, was the house on Citrus Road torn down?

  4. The house on Citrus rd has been torn down

  5. Yeh... I live in river ridge too... All my life, I remember when all this happened it was crazy around here. Literally!

  6. Carol was my mom and she passed away from cancer. She didn't know she had cancer. I was called on Monday to come to her in the hospital. By Thursday she had basically slipped into a coma state and passed away Saturday.She had cancer in her lungs,liver,stomach, adrenal glands, it traveled to her brain and she had 3 brain tumors.Everyone has their opinions...so at least state them respectfully. ALOT of peoples lives were impacted by what happened. I have reconnected with my aunt(Mikes sister) after YEARS and things are well between us.

    1. Kim, I was fortunate to have met your mom. My partner and I interviewed her in Denham Springs years ago about her and your Aunt Shirley's book. She was a honest and sincere woman. She was a hero, to do what she did at the trial and all. You must be so proud. She signed a copy of her book for me which I will always cherish. God bless her!!!!

  7. Kim, thanks for sharing the information with us about your mother's death. I'm so sorry for your loss and for the other losses you've endured in your life. God Bless your Mom.

    I would love to see a picture of her if you would like to share it with us. If not I do understand.

  8. Kim, I just saw the movie based on your family. Your mom was a brave lady. May I ask how you aunt Shirley passed away?

  9. Here are some pictures. The first one is an older one and the second one is our last family picture before my mom passed away.

    Aunt Shirley died in a car accident years ago

  10. Thanks so much for sharing photos of your mom Kim! She was beautiful and you look like her.

  11. Last i heard Marty was teaching in New Orleans. My aunt Shirley's daughter got her as a teacher years ago and quickly was withdrawn from her class. And, no my mom didn't get many pictures back from her childhood at all. the few she got back, I have now.

    Rick, there is sympathy for any sick individual. Life is what we make it and he chose those pathetic actions that changed so many peoples lives.

    I have reconnected this past year with Mike's sister, my aunt Karren. It has been great to catch up with her and her life.

  12. carol was no hero. she only told her story when her life was in danger and to make money. whatever her father was, she was no better

    1. to Anonymous(who said carol is no hero or and as worse as dad, your nuts)i hope u r banned from here,one day.

      your just troubled,
      or just straight jealous or maybe a person who is related to the clearly-deranged,trouble marty,i do not know how she can "teach"clearly was a mess up woman,who only exhibit 1 shred of dignity,when she was "talking to herself by a tree"after hitting the mother RIP with a rock! she said something like i am sorry,or i do not mean it or something like this.but i feel
      the person adaging here that carol was no hero,your rude,and nefarious,and that is all i have to say bout you. RIP to carol.
      Shirley too,both shirley's as i hear they have moved on,to heaven resting in peace.
      and carol,way too young to die,but she is safe,at peace now,and at least had a great 2nd husband. i even thought mike at first was great for her,so in love,or so the movie demonstrate,but her true love
      was with her 2nd husband,and i am sure she is at peace,
      KIM:the pix of your mother,so beautiful.
      is that YOU AS A LIL BABY on her lap or
      ur sibling?
      so cute.

      and the pix of all of you older is a nice pix,you resemble carol god bless her in heaven,and you too KIM.

      If your able plz answer, and i pray 4 u all.
      How is Auntie Joanne,Nancy?

      from: a fan of the true to life story

      watching it again 2x on LMN,lifetime
      movie network,and dvr.

      1 OF BEST FILMS TOLD EVER on any channel


      all who have passed on to heaven except
      the father, i can't say this bout him
      mr.fagot,was a serial killer in my eyes
      responsible for many deaths,and heartache
      that will never fully for the fam fade
      but i m glad the kids/grandkids were,able to at some point move on and find some

      geena romano
      staten island,ny
      nj tri-state

      My email is

    2. I've just read the book. How can anyone say Carol or anyone who stood up to this monster was no hero. Time heals, I suppose but he was what he was.

    3. my niece had Marty as a 6 grade teacher at Bridge city elem she is a sick woman

  13. To the comment made April 30th at 5:35pm.... Fear is a horrible position for anyone to be living with or having gone through. A woman lost her brother-in-law and a husband from no action of her own. Her family was divided by a father who manipulated the lives of all he touched. I can't imagine what that family must have gone through living with fear, intimidation, and the knowledge of life insurance policies taken out on their own lives as well. I would rather not read comments that are only intended to be cruel.

  14. I grew up in River Ridge and I do remember this. This was very upsetting to my family and we are not related. I commend you for writing this book. It took great courage.

  15. Kim it sounds like you and your family have come a long way from such tragedy. I watch this movie every time it comes on LMN and it was on earlier today and my daughter watched it with me. She was amazed and saddened by the movie, but shocked when I told her it was based on a true story. I wish you and your family well. I was curious to see what your grandfather's house looked like......was it off Citrus Road....whereabouts?

  16. a very sad story i just watched the movie and kept having to remind myself it was true. i hope the surviving family members don't let this tragedy dictate or ruin their lives.

  17. I am the daughter of Joanne,

    To the person who posted a comment on 4/30/11 at 5:35, the comment you posted seems to indicate you knew my Aunt Carol. Clearly you do not! My Aunt Carol was a beautiful, intelligent, loving person who would do anything she could for her family members. She was the one who constantly made us laugh. I can still hear her today Saying "LuLu"! Now all of her granchildren from her daughter Kim call me Lulu!! Eveyone has their faults and to say she was no better than her father, well I beg to differ with you!! She is NOTHING like her father was!! Clearly you are one, either Marty or two, someone writing on behalf of her.

    Our family is a very close family!

    To CJL...Please let my Nana's family (The Ebert's)know that Shirley's daughter Joanne, and ALL of her (Nana's) grandchildren and Great Grandchildren are all doing great and send our love to ya'll.


  18. Dear, Anonymous Apr 30, 2011 05:35 PM,
    Do you know what it is like to be 6 years old and not being allowed to play outside for fear that your grandfather is coming to hurt or kill you like he did your dad? I doubt it..because if you did..there was no way you would EVER compare anything my mother ever did to the things my grandfather did. You have no clue of what you speak.My mom was in no danger when she told her story. She didn't even write the book until YEARS later. The real victims here are all of his daughters who were abused, my grandmother whos life was threatened on a regular basis if she were to leave him or tell of his affairs, and the families who were left behind while their sons, brothers, and fathers were slain by my grandfather. Unless you have been in the shoes of these people, you have NO IDEA!

    Hi Lulu <3

  19. Carol's daughter, Kim, has been a long time friend of mine since high school. She pointed me to his blog. I haven't read the book {yet} but have seen the movie and hope to buy a copy.

    It wasn't until after high school, after the release of the book and subsequent movie that I knew Kim's mother's story. Kim never talked about. I cannot imagine having walked Kim's shoes. I especially cannot imagine having walked Kim's mother's shoes.

  20. Wow, I lived not far from this house in River Ridge. I didn't know the family at all, but walked and drove by this house all the time. I lived on 2nd. St. off Moss lane. I even had the opportunity to go inside the house in the 80s I think. I don't believe the house is there no longer. I was a few years younger than the daughters, so didn't know them, but I remember the house so well because my dad wanted buy a house on the same block at one time. I'm glad that he didn't because you never know (lol). Just wanted to say.

    1. Yeah I heard they tore the house and stables down a few years ago. As an adult I was teaching a class on *Making peace With Your Past* and me and my cousin Lori actually knocked on the door of his old home and the people who owned it allowed us to walk around the back yard and stables etc. Triggered a lot of memories, but also helped with putting some things at rest as well.

  21. Just saw the movie - so very, very sad. It broke my heart to learn that three of the daughters have passed, and that they all died much too young. Sending prayers and sympathy to the family.

    On another note, how can that horrid woman Marty be a teacher?!?! No justice!!!

    1. Thank you for the kind words. My grandmother died at about age 64 (emphazema) and my mom (Carol) at age 59(cancer), Nancy at age 57(cancer) and Shirley in her late 30's in a car accident. Very disheartening :(

  22. I recently saw this movie again. Every time I see it, I cry for the mom & 3 sisters, while in turn crying for my mom & 2 sisters. As mentioned above, all who were around during the times of Leonard's abusive phase of life, are true survivors. As adults, w/1 sister deceased, my older sister & I were on the phone a few times just balling over the abuse we endured w/our mom, at the hand of our dad. I had nightmares for decades that where my dad was still abusing us, threatening to shoot us all or burn us up in the house. Aiming a gun at our heads, or actually pouring gasoline around the house. We cried over being alive and no longer abused, but in the same sense, observing how those many years living in fear played a role in us not really being as strong as we could've been while growing up. When I see this movie, I often wonder if the mom and/or sisters talked amongst themselves, at some point in life, about what certain things did to them. Were they fearful of this, or that, and attributed it to the abuse. Things such as claustrophia, other phobia's, not allowing a man to hit on you - ever, or going the other way & actually living in an abusive situation. Not initially having self-esteem, or loosing that self-esteem seeing that a few of the Fagot girls were abused later in life. Our dad moved another woman into our home indicating this was his so called step-sister, until she later became pregnant. Indeed, all people who come from abusive situations and live to tell the sad tale, are true survivors. My mom had a chance to live who/abuse for a while after my dad passed away, but she was then too ill soon afterward to enjoy much freedom, she also passed away too young at 57, as well as my sister who died in her early 30"s. It is truly heart-breaking to live a life so tragic that other's can't even fathom the idea so they immediately assume it's false. So tragic, it definitely could take many years before you talk about it out loud w/the folks who endured the abuse & hard times w/you, even longer to speak to outsiders about it, or write about it. My heart goes out to Kim, Lori, JoAnne (my mom's name), and all the other relatives(living or deceased). You all remain in my thoughts & prayers. Be strong & be kind to yourselves, always. GOD bless, love & hugs! J

  23. I lived across the street on Citrus Rd. from their house. I remember the night that Mike was killed. My Dad and brother ran outside to find out where the gun shots were coming from. Marty would open those iron gate and let her dobermans out when we were waiting for the school bus. My sister and i were little girls. She was really an awful woman.

  24. I knew Shirley. The last time that I saw her, myself and a couple of friends made a motorcycle trip to Covington and stopped by the family place, and everyone was there Mike, Len, Carol, and Shirley. We went for a ride around the back roads north of Covington. Shirley rode on the back of my bike and we had fun. I thought she was a pretty girl. Very sorry for the tragic times she lived through.

  25. very sad to hear that the all the sister except one is alive.was hoping they would had a happy life after what had happen hope.would love to read the book.did see the movie and have it taped from lifetime.god bless the family for standing up to their father.hope everyone is at peace

  26. Leonard J Fagot payed $2000 for someone to blow his brains out. Then his pitiful remains were placed in the trunk of his vehicle and brought to the Holiday Inn parking lot. He was never going to spend a day in prison. Quite a cowardly act for such a great hero of this great country of ours.

  27. Just recently Shirley was posted on forever in our hearts blog of our Riverdale 76 site. Many of the girls never knew of Shirley's hell. She came back to Riverdale after"time away".We used to sit in South yard,tree people,we were called.Shirley had lost most of her hair. It was growing back.I remember telling her she was beautiful,both in and out. We would look at the crowd of girls commenting how lucky they were to be naive still.Last time I spoke to Shirley she was eight months pregnant living in FL.Can someone tell me if she had that child in addition to Holly.Also,is Holly okay?

  28. What's even more cowardly than suicide is paying someone to kill you. He could and did kill George and Mike but had to pay someone else to do himself? Wow.

  29. Wouldn't that make Marty an accessory to two murders?

  30. I just finished reading the book deadly relations and I think Leonard Fagot was a ruthless cold hearted ass hole who wanted to manipulate people and tried to control his daughter's lives. These 4 sisters went through a lot and Marty was a bitch. Just shows how much of a criminal Len was. Good book by Carol and Shirley.

  31. Read the book 20 years ago. Tried to find it again in last couple years but couldn't remember title, only that it was about a New Orleans family, horses were invovled and the evil one named Marty. Finally found the title and found the book at a used book store. Read it again. Unbelieveable that someone could be so manipulative and mean to their own wife and children. Have not had a chance to see movie yet.
    Sorry to hear of both Shirley (mom) and Shirley (daughter), Carol, and Nancy passing. May they RIP. Hope the remiander of family have found peace. The book was great, only sorry that is was true. God Bless the family.
    And, I, can't understand how Marty was even allowed to teach children.

    1. you are so right why is Marty still teaching!!!

  32. To Kim and Lori, I have read the book and watched the movie countless times. I don't know how your mothers survived it. They were very strong women. I find it shocking that the law didn't catch up with Marty. Ladies your families are in my thoughts and prayers always.

  33. After reading what I have read here... I seems to me that Len Fagot killed more people than he was charged with. He is responsible for he broken hearts which eventually broke the stride and health of his first wife and daughters.

  34. I knew both Joanne & Carol from high school and we had some good times, despite Mr. Fagot's controlling ways. I was always nervous around the house because of stories that Joanne told us. We had a 25 yr reunion in 91,and I remember Bruce telling me about the book & movie comming out. I followed the murders & trial, but didn't t realize the extent of the abuse that existed until I read the book. So sorry to hear about Carol, Shirley & Nancy....may they forever rest in peace. I hope Joanne is doing well ! Sue - class of '66

  35. Whatever happened to the little boy in the movie, Carol's son?

  36. Marty worked at an elementary school in Metairie. Some of the other teachers there would call her "the murderer" behind her back. Marty always boasted about her "villa" in Italy. She was greedy, selfish, spoiled and trashy and loved to ruin people's lives. She was literally a child when she threw herself at Leonard Fagot, who was just loony enough to fall for it. All she wanted was EVERYTHING they had -- their home and all their possessions. She never cared about anyone other than herself. I graduated with her in 1968 but was never, ever a friend of hers.
